Carlos Murillo-Sánchez

Job Title Visiting Professor
Department ECE
Phone 607-255-9645


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Wang, H; Murillo-Sánchez, C.E.; Zimmerman, R.D.; Thomas, R.J.
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol 22., No. 3, pp. 1185-1193, August 2007
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C. Murillo-Sánchez, R. Zimmerman, R. Thomas
IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting 2001. Vol. 3, pp. 1256-1261.
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C. Murillo-Sánchez, S. Ede, T. Mount, R. Thomas, R. Zimmerman
Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference, International Association for Energy Economics, April 25-27, 2001, Houston, TX, USA.
download file (808.9 KB, 39 pages)
S. Ede, T. Mount, C. Murillo-Sánchez, R. Thomas, R. Zimmerman
Report to the United States Department of Energy, November 2000.
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C. Murillo-Sánchez, R. Thomas
Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 1283-1291, Jan 4-7, 2000, Maui, Hawaii.
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C. Murillo-Sánchez, R. Thomas
IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting 1999. Vol. 1, pp. 484-489.
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R. Zimmerman, R. Thomas, D. Gan, C. Murillo-Sánchez
Decision Support Systems, Vol. 24, Nos. 3 & 4, January 1999, pp. 193-205.
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R. Zimmerman, R. Thomas, D. Gan, C. Murillo-Sánchez
Proceedings of the 31st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. 3, pp. 138-146, Jan 6-9, 1998, Kona, Hawaii.
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J. Bernard, R. Ethier, T. Mount, W. Schulze, R. Zimmerman, D. Gan, C. Murillo-Sánchez, R. Thomas, R. Schuler
Proceedings of the 31st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. 3, pp. 25-23, Jan 6-9, 1998, Kona, Hawaii.
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J. Bernard, R. Ethier, T. Mount, W. Schulze, R. Zimmerman, D. Gan, C. Murillo-Sánchez, R. Thomas, R. Schuler
Final version of Experimental Results for Single Period Auctions presented at HICSS, Jan 6-9, 1998, Kona, Hawaii.
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C. Murillo-Sánchez, R. Thomas
Proceedings of the 31st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. 3, pp. 81-88, Jan 6-9, 1998, Kona, Hawaii.